58 research outputs found

    Hot or Cold Anger? Verbal and Vocal Expression of Anger While Driving in a Simulated Anger-Provoking Scenario

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    Extensive research has examined the relationship between driving anger and risky behavior; however, little is known about how drivers express and regulate anger while driving. The present study was designed to examine the verbal and acoustic correlates of driving anger, as well as whether emotion regulation strategies such as cognitive reappraisal are effective at reducing the outward expression of anger while driving. Forty-four participants were asked to drive in an emotionally neutral and an anger-provoking simulated driving scenarios, while their driving behavior as well as their speech was recorded. Participants were randomly assigned to two experimental conditions, with one group receiving instructions to reappraise the anger-provoking events and a control group receiving no instructions. Results show that in the anger-provoking scenario, participants exhibited more violations, horn-honking, and cursing. Few acoustic variations were detected and were compatible with the acoustic profile of cold anger rather than with the one of hot anger expression. Finally, reappraisal reduced the number of violations only. The implications of these findings are discussed

    Understanding the impact of prison design on prisoners and prison staff through virtual reality: a multi-method approach

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    Purpose: The prison population is considered to be vulnerable to stress caused by the physical environment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychological effects of the prison’s environment on both inmates and staff. Design: We compared the psychophysiological arousal and self-report measurements of 73 participants (40 prisoners and 33 prison staff) to the prison environment through the exploration of three immersive virtual environments (the dormitory, the prison entrance, and the prison yard). Findings: There were few physiological activation differences between inmates and prison staff during the task, but significant discrepancies did arise, particularly from self-reported assessments. Compared to prison staff, prisoners demonstrated a greater decrease in finger pulse, indicating a stronger orienting response to virtual environments. While prison staff emphasized the importance of good lighting throughout the environments, prisoners focused their hatred on the furniture of the cells and on the layout and function of the prison yard. Both groups had conflicting emotions towards the virtual environments. Originality: Our study offers a realistic portrayal of the prison population's perceptions about the setting in which they are engaged in everyday life and activities. Practical implications: Hence, there are implications for both prison rehabilitation and designing prison renovations that are in line with the psychological needs of inmates and prison staff

    Immersed vs. Detached: Reappraisal Strategies of Situated High-Impact Emotional Events. A Behavioral, Physiological and Experiential Response Analysis

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    Il progetto di ricerca indaga la regolazione emotiva analizzando le interazioni complesse tra strategie di regolazione dell'individuo e variabili proprie dello stimolo elicitante. A tale scopo, il progetto si struttura in tre studi. Nello Studio 1, una batteria di questionari per la valutazione di strategie stabili di regolazione e coping è stata somministrata ad un campione di 198 studenti infermieri che partecipavano allo Studio 3 e ad un gruppo di controllo di 416 studenti universitari. Lo studio presenta inoltre una validazione preliminare dell'Emotion Regulation Questionnaire in lingua italiana. Lo Studio 2 riguarda la misurazione dell'impatto emotivo di stimoli elicitanti: una batteria di filmati emotivi è stata costruita attraverso la manipolazione di due dimensioni di appraisal emotivo e somministrata a 420 studenti universitari a cui era chiesto di valutare la propria esperienza emotiva. Infine, nello Studio 3, uno stesso filmato di chirurgia ma incorporato all'interno di contesti diversi (costituiti dai filmati testati nello studio 2) è stato sottoposto a 163 studenti infermieri allo scopo di analizzare gli effetti a breve termine di due strategie di rivalutazione cognitiva quando l'individuo affronta un evento ad alto impatto emotivo contestualizzato. Ai partecipanti era chiesto di osservare gli eventi cercando di immedesimarsi o di distanziarsi. Lo studio analizza le risposte emotive in tre sistemi di risposta emotiva: fisiologico, comportamentale ed esperienziale.The present research program investigated emotion regulation analyzing the complex interaction between variables concerning individual regulatory strategies and variables concerning the eliciting stimulus. To this purpose, the research program was structured into three studies. In Study 1, a set of questionnaires assessing individual stable emotion regulation and coping strategies was administered to a sample of 198 nursing students who participated to Study 3 and to a control sample of 416 undergraduate students. A preliminary Italian validation of the Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (ERQ) was conducted. Study 2 aimed at measuring the emotional impact of eliciting stimuli: a set of emotion-generating films were constructed according to the manipulation of appraisal criteria and administered to 420 undergraduate students who were asked to rate their emotional experience. In Study 3, 163 nursing students watched the same surgery clip included within different contextual scenarios provided by the film stimuli tested in Study 2. The main goal was the investigation of the short-terms outcomes of two types of reappraisal when the individual is confronted with a contextualized high-impact emotional event: to this purpose, participants were asked to adopt a detached vs. immersed point of view. Three systems of emotional response were analyzed as indicated by emotion literature: behavioural, physiological and experiential

    Stress and coping strategies in the emergency room

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    The main goal of the present study was to examine how levels of perceived stress reported by emergency physicians vary depending on the type of coping style. Seventy physicians working in four emergency departments in Northern Italy were administered two questionnaires measuring perceived levels of work related stress and habitual use of different coping styles. Results show that emergency physicians reported to rely on task-oriented coping more than on emotion-oriented and avoidance-oriented coping. Furthermore, coping styles were significant predictors of perceived stress. Specifically, after controlling for age and gender, task- and avoidance-oriented coping styles were predictors of less work related stress, while emotion-oriented coping was associated with higher levels of stress. The implications are discussed

    Task Performance.

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    <p>Mean proportions of correct recall as a function of picture valence (neutral, pleasant, unpleasant) and tDCS condition (anodal, cathodal, sham).</p

    Results of Generalized Linear Mixed Model: Random Effects.

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    <p>Results of Generalized Linear Mixed Model: Random Effects.</p

    Generalized Liner Mixed Model: Bonferroni Adjusted Pairwise Comparisons.

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    <p>Generalized Liner Mixed Model: Bonferroni Adjusted Pairwise Comparisons.</p

    Immersed vs. detached: Reappraisal strategies of situated high-impact emotional events. A behavioral, physiological and experiential response analysis.

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    The present study was aimed at the investigation of cognitive reappraisal and its short-term outcomes on three emotional response systems: behavior, physiology and subjective experience. 163 nursing students were asked to watch the same high-impact event (amputation of an arm) which was incorporated within a longer clip assembled using the films provided by the previous study (Study 2). Two different reappraisal strategies were compared: in one group, subjects (N=83) were asked to distance themselves in front of the negative event to down-regulate negative emotions, whereas in the second group (N=80) participants were asked to adopt an immersed and participated attitude towards the events. The study presents the results about the effect of the type of scenario and type of regulation instruction on emotional responses belonging to subjective experience (indexes of emotional impact), behavioral expression (face, gaze, posture and head movements) and physiological arousal (HR and EDA)